Online Classes

Basic Yoga Course

Intermediate Online Sessions

Individual Sessions

Yoga Nidra – Art of Relaxation

Breath to Bliss ( pranayama )

Yoga Classes

Online Basic Yoga Course

This 2 week basic yoga course is designed to introduce yoga for beginners and to provide a working knowledge of how to continue one’s daily practice after the course is completed. The course includes practical sessions on preparatory practices, surya namaskar, Asana, Pranayama, relaxation techniques and Meditation for newcomers to Yoga.

Intermrdiate Online Yoga Sessions

Hatha yoga /Power yoga /Flow yoga



One to one sessions online

Art of Relaxation- Yoga Nidra Course

Yoga Nidra (union in conscious sleep) is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. Focusing on training the nervous system the art of relaxation thus bring about natural healing capacity of the body.
“Yoga Nidra is a form of Tantra. It is not sleeping. it is not concentration. It is opening the inner chambers of your mind. In Yoga nidra, you step down into the internal dimension of your consciousness” Sw.Satyananda Saraswati

Breathe to bliss: (Pranayama course)

When prana moves, chitta (mind) moves. When prana is without movement, chitta is without movement. By this (steadiness of prana) yogi attains steadiness and should therefore restrain vayu (air)”-Hathayoga pradeepika
Breath, the life force determines our state of mind, energy level, health and happiness…We never pay attention to this process in our body as it is automatically happening. If you want to take control over your body, increase the level of energy and dynamism, slow down, activate, relax, increase the quality of happiness, you just need to work on your breath… to have conscious control over life As it is not easy to control the mind with mind, in yoga we approach the mind using body and breath as tools.

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